
Thursday, 28 April 2011

Minutes of Council Meeting: Autumn 2007

NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD M I N U T E S of meeting held on 18 SEPTEMBER 2007 at the Council House from 2.00 pm to 3.05 pm with Conucillor Jon Collins (Chair)

Consideration was given to a report and addendum of the Corporate Director of Adult Services, Housing and Health, copies of which had been circulated.


(1) That the draft Stonebridge Park Neighbourhood Plan be approved, enabling the use of statutory powers in order to complete land assembly, where friendly acquisition procedures had been exhausted;

(2) That the Council’s Regulatory Reform Order be amended, as detailed in section 8 of the report, to enable the Council to fund work on owner occupied homes;

(3) That the proposal to fully grant fund the work on bringing the exterior of owner occupied properties up to Decent Homes Standard, while retaining the option to use other funding mechanisms, such as equity release and interest free loans, on future projects, be approved;

(4) That the recovery of Right to Buy discount be waived for Stonebridge Park owner occupiers losing their homes for redevelopment, except those returning to the Council as tenants;

(5) That Decent Homes work is undertaken for vulnerable residents in privately owned properties, using grant from the Regional Housing Board;

(6) That the establishment of Stonebridge Park Board be approved;

(7) That Fairholm Court is decommissioned;

(8) that the investigation of the replacement of Fairholm Court with an Extra Care scheme, through the redevelopment of Welland Court, which would be subject to a comprehensive feasibility study to be submitted to a future meeting of the Executive Board, be noted.


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