
Sunday, 16 December 2012

Stonebridge Park TRA ‘disbanded’

masterplan 2009 b

After a decade serving the local community, SPTRA --- Stonebridge Park Tenants & Residents Association  --- was disbanded on Thursday evening.

SPTRA was founded by Mrs Maureen Graham in 2002, who was instrumental in giving our estate its name, and getting the regeneration scheme up and running. SPTRA also won the prize of ‘Community Group’ of the year in 2011.

Chairlady Laura Summers & Treasurer Ben Rowson thanked everyone for their loyal support over the last 18 months.

After stepping aside, Afzaal Nawaz of Nottingham City Homes took over to Chair the AGM.

After disbanding SPTRA, Afzaal said that it was only a temporary measure. However,  it was a controversial decision as there were three local residents present at the AGM who indicated they would like to take on the role of the SPTRA committee over the next year.

When Afzaal failed to follow proper procedure during the AGM to invite locals to join SPTRA, and also failed to carryout any election process, two of these prospective committee members walked out in discuss.

Keepmoat Homes to build 110 New Houses

Prior to the AGM part of the meeting, Housing Development Manager Mark Lowe of the City Council announced that developer Keepmoat Homes are now in a position to submit a planning application early in the new year.

Mark shown a section of the 2009 Master plan for the Stonebridge Estate to indicate where all of the new houses would be built. Which is primarily in Jersey Gardens, land at the top of Wray Close, and on the site of the former Fairhom Court elderly person’s complex adjacent Flewitt Gardens.

He said “the only modification was with the proposed new road layout” as indicated by the yellow lies on the above illustration. If all goes well with the planning application work on site would begin next autumn.

Limmen Gardens

Michelle Walker of ASRA informed the meeting that NCC Planning officers had requested minor modifications to their plans to built new homes in Limmen gardens. There would be only 3 new houses instead of four on the green open space at the rear of 71 Limmen Gardens, and the size of the new homes on the site of the former pedestrian underpass would be smaller. The planning application looked set to be approved before Christmas.

Paddy Tipping 

The next public meeting will be held on/or about 6th March 2013 when the guest speaker will be the new Police & Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping. The final detail needs to be confirmed, however, we also aim to have NCC Leader Jon Collins & St Ann’s Beat Manager PC Pau Dean who will answer questions of crime,crime reduction, and Police priorities in St Ann’s.

There will also be the usual updates concerning the Stonebridge Park Regeneration Scheme, from the City Council, City Homes, ASRA, and on the new Asda shopping centre development.

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