
Thursday, 27 September 2012

Phase 1 Demolition of Robin Hood Chase shops is approved



Planning Application Ref: 12/02429/PADA

On September 24th Nottingham City Council was granted planning permission to demolish the commercial buildings and dwellings above 2 - 10 Robin Hood Chase. The retail premises include the former St Ann’s Housing office & nearby pizza parlour, along with the current Co-op Chemist and General Food Store which are still trading.

Nottingham City Homes are presently relocating the residents living in Loxley House near the bottom of the Robin Hood Chase and finding them new homes elsewhere in the city. The next stage will be to relocate the residents living in the maisonettes above the shops beginning in November.

The demolition of the former Health Centre and commercial buildings on the Robin Hood Chase is expected to begin in March 2013, followed by Loxley House.

The area will be redeveloped with a number of new social houses on the site of the shops, and new retail premises will to be built in place of the health centre.

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