
Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Letter sent to the Homes & Communities Agency

Website manager
Mr. Richard Pearson

The Homes & Communities Agency
Get Britain Building Program
Central Business Exchange II
406-412 Midsummer Boulevard
Central Milton Keynes

8th September 2012

Dear Sir,

Stalled Housing Project: the Stonebridge Park Regeneration Scheme, St Ann’s, Nottingham

Earlier this year, January through March, I wrote directly to a number of Ministers including Nick Clegg, George Osborne and Grant Shapps to bring to their attention our Stonebridge Park Regeneration Scheme.

It was launched in 2006, and with a HCA grant of £5.6m, developer Leicester Housing Association has now built 95 new houses, flats & apartments on Dennett Close (Phase 1), and Magson Close (Phase 1a/b). Lovell’s the building contractor has done a great job building the residences to a high standard; this first construction phase is now close to completion after 21 months.

Sadly the Stonebridge Park Regeneration Scheme has been ‘stalled’ since 2009, and progress has been slow due to the recession & change of government.

New ‘kick-start’ HCA funds are urgently needed to help complete our Stonebridge estate in the near future, save local jobs and boost the local Nottingham economy. Without new kick-start funding both will suffer which will not be helpful to the Prime Minister’s quest to improve the UK economy & lift us out of recession, preventing a double-dip. As you are aware, the slump in the house construction sector is still problematic for David Cameron & Nick Clegg so our ‘stalled’ project ~ Stonebridge Park - is really important for them to achieve their objective.

Local residents would have liked to have seen HCA kick-start funding made available at the time of the Chancellor’s March budget. However, the HCA has maintained a wall of silence, and your department does not appear to be committed to assisting stalled house building schemes like Stonebridge Park in Nottingham?

Keepmoat Homes Ltd was short listed under the Get Britain Building program in June, and I understand the company is presently going through the due diligence process, alongside Developer Blueprint who want to build 40 new homes in Carlton Road close to Stonebridge Park. Blueprint is the company behind the new ASDA store to be built on the former Wright & Dobson land close by.

I want to do all I can to encourage the HCA to provide the necessary kick start funds for Keepmoat Homes Ltd who wants to build 104 new homes on our Stonebridge Park Estate to complete our area and make it a nice place in which to live. I also want to ask the HCA to please provide the necessary kick-start funding to developer Blueprint, as the new ASDA store will make a big difference to the lives & wellbeing of local residents & boost our local economy.

Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely

Richard Pearson

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