
Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Blueprint withdraws its bid for funding

ASDA store planIn a surprise move Nottingham Developer Blueprint have now withdrawn its bid for funding under the government Homes & Communities Agency's ‘Get Britain Building Program.’

Blueprint made their application in the summer to provide financial assistance to allow them to build 40 new social houses on the site of the Co-op store in Carlton Road, which closed down in 2008.

Blueprint is the developer behind the new ASDA store which is to be built on the former Wright & Dobson land nearby.

Sandhya Ward, Area Manager of the Homes & Communities Agency in Nottingham said today “I can confirm that we are still working with the bidder [Keepmoat Homes Ltd] to progress through the due diligence stage in respect to Stonebridge Park, however, Blue Print have withdrawn their submission for funding”.

Representatives from Blueprint will be at the next public meeting of SPTRA to be held at Stonebridge City Farm on 26th September to give an update on the ASDA store development.

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