
Wednesday, 19 September 2012

No evidence to support ‘Free Cladding’ rumour


If you are a owner/occupier and have concerns or any questions about external wall cladding, please contact the Project Manager Derek Roberts Tel: 0300 333 8100, or the Project Liaison Officer Dawn Vernon Tel 07946813107 who will be happy to answer your questions.

Over the last seven days I have received a number of phone calls from concerned home owners saying they have heard that some owner/occupiers were getting the external wall cladding free of charge.

I have personally visited a number of residents around Stonebridge and have been unable to track down any leaflets with this information, or a home owner who is getting the cladding for free.

I have today spoken to Project Liaison Officer Dawn Vernon, along with Debra Ross, who is a Housing Development Officer with Nottingham City Council, and they were unable to confirm that any home owners were getting free cladding. Only tenants of landlord Nottingham City Council are having the cladding carried out free of charge, which has always been the case.

Debra Ross said today “You asked about a leaflet which was handed round to some home owners explaining about free cladding - the only information that we are aware of being distributed is the Nottingham City Homes newsletter dated 10 Aug which explains how the quotations for the work were reached.

We have heard rumours that residents have been offered ‘free’ cladding by some companies, however we have not seen the actual leaflets that state this or any evidence that the cladding can indeed be provided free of charge.”

The relevant section of the newsletter is reproduced here

Post by Richard Pearson

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