
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Cladding update day 30

127 days to completion. The canopy’s over the front door of each property has been removed and I am told these will all be replaced by new fixtures as part of the cladding work.

Ashampoo_Snap_2012_08_22_23h52m50s_007_[5]New cladding has now been applied to 12 homes in Melville Gardens, and the first 6 houses are nearing completion with beige rendering & a brick affect finish. In Paxton Gardens WATES has now begun removing the old tiled upper frontage to houses next to Stonebridge City farm, and in Stonebridge Road on the south side of our estate. In addition more scaffolding has been erected, this time around the inner area of Paxton Gardens.

External works by WATES are continuing in Wray Close, and are not running to the schedule published recently in the Nottingham City Homes newsletters which can be seen here: [Issue 1] [Issue 2] That schedule indicated that the External works would be completed at the end of October, which was unrealistic. There is a lot to do in and around Eastham Close, including security hardening of the Eastham footpath.

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