
Monday, 14 October 2013

Full City Council Meeting 21 October


BallThis Council notes that pubs are for many people a local facility and social hub that help facilitate community cohesion through interactions between people from different backgrounds. This Council also notes that Licensed premises may not be an appropriate location for building community cohesion for all sections of the community however, the right sort of pub run in the right way can be a great addition to a neighbourhood. This Council also notes that a significant number of pubs have closed in Nottingham’s neighbourhoods in the recent past.

This Council also notes that there are many changes of use for public houses that don’t require any sort of planning application and therefore the local community is denied a say on the future of their local pub.

Finally, it is noted that other Local Authorities have begun to draw up policies and plans to respond to these changes.

This Council Resolves To
- Create a promotional plan in association with partners to support our well-run and responsible local pubs and successful local brewing operations
- Continue to support the Robin Hood Beer Festival in Nottingham
- Invite the Minister for Pubs in Government to the Robin Hood Beer Festival and take them on a tour of Nottingham so they can experience first hand the vibrant brewing economy and pub culture in the city
- Work with Nottingham CAMRA and national CAMRA in their campaign against pub closures
- Work with GMB and other trade unions in their campaign against the beer-tie
- Continue to promote licensing policies that support responsible pub operations
- Promote responsible drinking through the continuation of action against the sale of strong alcohol and irresponsible licensing that encourages a binge drinking culture
- Include a policy within the emerging Local Plan which recognises the importance of pubs in the community, and seeks to ensure that they can continue to play that role wherever possible
- Offer support where appropriate to community organisations seeking to nominate pubs as Assets of Community Value
- Lobby Government for an alteration in the Use Classes Order so that changes from pubs to retail and office uses requires planning permission
- Explore the use of an Article 4 Direction to prevent pubs from changing to retail, financial/professional services and restaurant uses without planning permission being obtained on application.

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