
Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Report withdrawn by councillors as Nottingham City Homes ‘can’t add up’ !

Area capital Fund Report 2013_15_Page_7The AREA CAPITAL FUND - 2013/15 Report presented to councillors at the recent Area 6 committee meeting (Dales, Mapperley, St Ann’s) on 10th September, written by Nottingham City Homes, has had to be withdrawn because it contained erroneous financial information. The main parts of the report affected are for Newark Crescent, and improvements at Sneinton Hermitage & Rest garden (The Dales).

A series of meeting are being held this week to resolve issues with the report. Councillors at the Area 6 meeting indicated that they had not read the report prior to the meeting, and they were not happy with its contents after reading through it. They therefore asked for it to be “pulled”.

The Area Capital Programme was established to improve the environment of the neighbourhoods and to create a sense of place for residents in order to improve the quality of life of local people. Since it was established in 2006 to meet the then corporate priority of “Transforming Neighbourhoods” the Area Capital Fund has included a total programme expenditure portfolio of £40 million. The improvements that have been carried out to date using this programmed have included footpath, fences, visual enhancements to public realm, refurbishment of parks and improvements to public buildings.

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