
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

What's On at Sneinton Market - This weekend!

Not only does Nottingham now have social eating, but we have Social Shopping too! At the Nott's Nosh event last week people came together from Sneinton, St Ann’s and all over town to celebrate local food.

We don’t have enough space here to really do justice to the day but checkout this link for a guy that does Thanks to Phil ‘dm’Campbell for his fantastic write up, to Shona, Penney and everyone involved with Nott's Nosh to say nothing of the digging, weeding, peeling and baking involved with bringing us such lovely food.

To quote Phil again, ‘If we could just maintain the energy and culture of our connectedness that worked for the people and brought them together like that I’m sure we could do that at least every fortnight or monthly’. Yes, it costs money to make events like that happen, but we know that Sneinton Market will only be completely sustainable when you can come down every week and know you will find cheese, bread, meat, cakes and even cleaning stuff. We’re not quite there yet; this week we have people on holiday – small producers that need a break- but that’s the aim, and we’re growing organically!

Our special offer this week – free stalls for new food producers to maintain the momentum from last week.
On the market on Saturday we can confirm Beccy’s Global Kitchen (vegetarian), Bake Off and Pie, Cakes by Maine, and Joyce Killowe, local organic grower of veg, fruit, herbs and flowers as well as our traditional fruit and veg, cleaning stuff, Avon by Penny, clothing; It’s only Tuesday, so the list will grow.

Don't forget, the 10th August will be the Crafty Cats, the 17th Nottingham Fixers, and the return of the Rummage Lounge! Lots of ideas and stuff to sort through.

Our website is changing, so in the meantime, find us on Facebook for up to date info.
Each Saturday & Monday, the market is 8am-1pm

Every 2nd Saturday         Crafty Cats                9am - 2pm
Every 4th Saturday           Nott’s Nosh Market    9am - 2pm
Stalls £15. We put the stalls up for you! Introductory offer £10.
Getting about and parking: 
At Aberdeen Street Car Park, parking is free for the first hour and just £1 for the 2 hours after that.
You can park all day in the old Market Buildings Car Park for £4.
Parking meters are available on Bath Street
The market place is accessible, and disabled parking bays are available on Bath Street opposite the market.
Buses that pass close to the market are: 43, 44, 39, 24, 25, 27, 100
If you would like to promote your community activity on the market,
or for more information, call us on 07793389323

Written by the Sneinton Market Marketing Team

Green Deal Communities Scheme Begins

Green Deal Communities

A new £20 million Green Deal Communities scheme to help local authorities drive street-by-street delivery of the Green Deal has been announced today. Under new proposals from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), local authorities in England will be able to bid for funding from a £20 million pot to help households benefit from the Green Deal on a street-by-street or area basis.

Local authorities will identify target streets and areas in their regions that could most benefit from the Green Deal, and then offer incentives to households in these areas to encourage them to install energy efficiency home improvements under the Green Deal. Local authorities will propose incentives as part of their bids for funding, which will be assessed by DECC.

Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said:

“If we are going to deliver the Green Deal at real scale then we need a ‘street-by-street’ vision and a ‘street-by-street’ plan! It starts here! However, local authorities really know their areas best. They know which streets and properties could most benefit from a Green Deal to improve their energy efficiency, and what local people need to provide them with a greater choice.

“The Coalition is committed to helping hard pressed consumers and this £20 million funding will help more families benefit from the Green Deal, making homes warmer and more efficient, and protecting consumers against rising energy bills.”

The Green Deal is an ambitious and long term programme aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the nation’s buildings. It gives homes and businesses the opportunity to pay for energy efficiency home improvements through savings on their fuel bills.

Green Deal Communities will support local authorities, in partnership with local community organisations and businesses, to encourage take up of the Green Deal and other energy efficiency improvements in whole streets and areas throughout the country. Funding will only support those households using Green Deal finance or self-financing to install Green Deal measures.

To allow the development of strong bids local authorities will be able to bid up to 31 December 2013 or until the funds are exhausted.

DECC has already provided £23 million of funding for core cities and local authorities to kick-start the Green Deal, and today a £200 million energy efficiency scheme for homes in the North East – Warm Up North – has been announced by Newcastle City Council. Up to 50,000 households and businesses in the North East are set to benefit.

Also confirmed today is the establishment of a Green Deal Provider Forum to look at ways of supporting and enhancing the Green Deal and the energy efficiency retrofit sector. The forum will be chaired by Ian Cheshire, Group CEO Kingfisher Plc., and will include senior representatives from the Green Deal Provider community and broader retrofit industry, with support provided by the Green Deal Oversight and Registration Body.

Notes for editors:
  1. Full details and the criteria for bids

  2. Local authorities should submit bids to

  3. The funding for Green Deal Communities is capital funding and forms part of the £200 million launch incentives funds for the Green Deal.

Stonebridge Park Regeneration Update – July 2013

compound location and Phasing of works

Phase 3 & 6 (Keepmoat)

  • Keepmoat have planning permission to build 103 new family houses for market sale (27 x 2 bed & 76 x 3 bed)
  • An additional 8 will be affordable homes (4 x 2 bed & 4 x 3 bed)
  • Works are expected to be complete by Dec 2015.
  • Some activity already being seen as Keepmoat’s ground work contractor (M Lambe Construction) are undertaking tree protection work etc.
  • Attached plan shows how the building works will be phased across the site

The first phase will be the show homes which face onto St Matthias road.

  • Keepmoat’s site compound will be set up early August and will be located in the area shown as Phase 10 on the plan.
  • NCC funding will be sought to carry out boundary improvement works to the existing properties affected by the new build.

By Debra Ross (Regeneration Officer) Nottingham City Council.

Stonebridge Park Regeneration Update – Limmen Gardens

Phase 4 (Asra)

  • · Asra have planning permission to build 15 family houses for affordable rent
  • · Works have been delayed due to awaiting decision from the Department of Transport on the stopping up of Limmen Gardens.
  • · Lovell's anticipate start on site in November 2013 and expect to be complete by Aug 2014.
  • · NCH will be undertaking plot improvement works to the existing homes immediately surrounding the new build (funding has been approved), residents will be consulted about this nearer the time.

Letters have been sent to residents living close to all these phases providing an update.

Contacts for more information:

Debra Ross, Regeneration Officer, Nottingham City Council – 0115 8763955

Michele Walker, Programme Delivery Manager, Asra Housing Group – 0116 2576760

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Keepmoat Homes installs its new site compound



Left: Jersey Gardens near the Lord Alcester pub.  Right: Fairholm site adjacent Flewitt Gardens



New Keepmoat site compound being set up this afternoon

This week Construction company Keepmoat Homes began the task of installing their new site compound in Jersey Gardens on the Stonebridge Park Estate, St Ann’s, Nottingham.

Workers were also busy clearing two of the main areas ready to build new houses.

This short video shows work being carried out today. The Lord Alcester pub is in the background.

Monday, 29 July 2013

King Edwards Park Gala raised £916 for charity

993938_10201540443982187_1202698957_nHi thanks to everyone who gave their time and effort to raise funds for Hayward House at the city hospital special thanks to Lorna Bampton sue Coxon and all members of stop tra group.

And to all the people who turned up on the day to support our cause and to all the people shops and everyone else who donated prizes etc.

The amount of money raised was £916 34p which was handed over to Hayward house today thank you everyone Pete and all stop tra group.

Maureen & Peter Wright

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Astronomy & Space

Patrick Moore banner

Our new TV Video Astronomy & Space | The Realm of Comets will be on line shortly.

Please visit our website at which is dedicated to the memory of Sir Patrick Moore, and relive some of the earliest programs of The Sky at Night. The site is regularly updated with new programs and Astronomy news updates. Also, please will you post your comments on this site. we wish to build up the number of visitors to make this site just as popular as The Time the Place. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

QMC ward A23 -- Staff gather for one last time









Photographs © Tony Broughton

Staff members of Ward A23 at Nottingham Queen’s Medical Centre (past and present), held a reunion on Friday evening following the announcement that hospital chiefs want to shut down their dementia ward.

Ward A23 at the hospital currently has 20 beds for the assessment of dementia patients.

According to the Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, which runs the QMC, money previously spent on the beds will be used to set up care in the community services.

A report submitted by the hospital to the Joint City and County Health Scrutiny Committee states: "Unnecessary hospital admissions are not in the best interests of people with dementia or their carers.”

"Most carers would like to have the person with dementia at home for as long as possible."

If the proposals to close the dementia ward are approved, the ward will be used to treat acutely-ill patients instead.

The Joint City and County Health Scrutiny Committee will meet at Loxley House, Nottingham, at 10.15am today to discuss the plans.

Friday, 26 July 2013

New flower display at King Edwards Park

stop tra pictures 021

Hi Everyone this is a flower display done on king Edward park by Stop TRA Group with the help of local children which they all enjoyed thanks to Martin Harris and Steve Doughty from Nottingham parks dept. for their help and support. Can you all put this in your newsletters and pass to other groups you know as it can make a difference to where you live, thank you. Pete and all STOP TRA.




© Peter Wright – STOP TRA




© Rachel Wicks – Renewal Trust.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Keepmoat Homes start work on Stonebridge Park

Developer Keepmoat Homes Ltd have now started work building 112 new houses in Jersey Gardens on the Stonebridge Park Estate.

This week they removed the surface soil, marked out the ground for the first new properties, and are now putting in place the first main sewer.

Affordable Homes Guarantees Programme

Homes & Communities Agency

terraced housesGovernment announced its proposal to guarantee up to £10bn of debt which will help housing providers expand the provision of both purpose built private rented and affordable housing as part of the Housing and Planning package on 6 September 2012. This housing guarantee will use the Government’s fiscal credibility to reduce the cost of borrowing for housing Providers, as well as attract investment from fixed income investors seeking a stable, long term return on their investment without exposure to residential rental property risk. The rules for the Housing Guarantee Schemes, clarifying their terms, and an invitation to tender for delivery of the Schemes were launched early in 2013. 

As well as the Guarantee for the Affordable Homes element, the Government confirmed that it would make £225m of funding available for new affordable housing, for use where needed alongside the Affordable Homes Guarantee. This funding was then doubled in the 2013 Budget to £450m, including London, to support up to 30,000 new affordable homes.

We have published details of how Registered Providers can bid for a share of the £450m and how this might work, whether grant funding and/or agreement to convert existing stock to deliver additional affordable homes is sought. This essentially builds on our existing AHP Framework, and should be used in conjunction with that.

Bids were invited on 27 February 2013 with a closing date of  21 May 2013 and bidding under that bid round has now closed with resulting allocations being announced on 25 July 2013. In addition to entering bids on IMS, providers were also required to submit a number of supporting statement setting out further details of their proposal a cover sheet in the form supplied below.

For the avoidance of doubt bidders are advised that reference in the AHGP Framework to the ‘standard offer template’ should not be taken to mean that a standard offer template must be completed in order to submit a bid, bidders are asked to submit bids via IMS and accompany IMS bids with AHG lead respondent information which can be accessed via the link below.

Full details of what is required in these statements are listed in the Affordable Homes Guarantee Programme Framework. Supporting statements along with the cover sheet were required to be emailed to by 21 May 2013 and were to be saved with a file name or names that clearly identifies the provider and scheme name, ideally using the same names as in the IMS bid. 

In addition registered providers were required to email relevant information direct to the Regulator at including an updated financial forecast return. This should be the latest version of the financial forecast return template which contains specific information requirements relevant to the Affordable Homes Guarantees Programme bids as provided below.

On 24 July 2013 we published the successful bids that could deliver over 13,800 new affordable homes:

Please note: that allocations contained in this document are subject to contract.

In summary: Midlands

Funding Requested £63,289,871

Units 4,436

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Walter Halls School loses fine Head teacher


It was the last day of term today and we have learned that  Mr Strouse who was the head teacher at Walter Halls  early learning school in Mapperley, Nottingham, left today to take up his post at another school.;  congratulations Mr Strouse, lots of people will really miss you.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Water Rip off !

severn-trent-water-sewage-001Did your water bill increase last year?  Have you ever wondered where that money goes?

I've spent the last six months researching the water industry and found a murky financial setup. Water company shareholders take huge pay-outs while customers are forced to pay increased bills and taxpayers are asked to cover the cost of improvement works. [1]

I think this is unacceptable in an industry which is so fundamental to people's lives and where customers cannot choose their supplier. That's why I've started a petition on to call for MPs to hold an inquiry into the profits made by the water industry. Click here to sign my petition.

For years now customers have been paying too much for their water and shareholders have been running off with giant profits. Worse, with many companies owned by private equity funds there are no public meetings to hold executives to account. 

MPs questioned executives from Google, Amazon and Starbucks over their tax affairs following a public outcry. I think its time water company executives were also called before MPs to answer to the public about where the money goes. 

Please join me and sign my petition if you agree that MPs should hold a Parliamentary inquiry into water companies' profits.

Thank you,
George Turner

[1] Centre Forum Report: Money down the drain
Guardian: Former regulator attacks water firms over windfall profits and high prices
Independent: Water companies told to stop siphoning off cash to foreign owners

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Robin Hood Chase plans approved by council

david liversidge_thumb[1]Councillor David Liversidge confirmed this evening that the Executive Board has given the go-ahead for a planning application to be submitted for the Robin Hood Chase Regeneration scheme, which is the next stage. Consultations will then take place with St Ann’s residents. The application is now likely to go into the City Council Development Department in early August.

The Developer is Wilmot Dixon, while the ASRA Housing group have now signed a contract which allows them to manage the new houses below the Neighbourhood Centre when they have been built.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Holding Hands ‘Unity’ event on the Robin Hood Chase



Sat 13 07 2013 July Hands Across St Anns and DFCTB Stall 046

Sat 13 07 2013 July Hands Across St Anns and DFCTB Stall 044



Images by Robert Batey & Richard Pearson

All images and short video clips taken at this years event have been handed to the organisers Richard Hawthorne MBE, and Mr Rob Bird. If you require copies please can you contact them directly as we do not have copies; thank you.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Astronomy & Space | Gaia Journey to the stars

© Richard Pearson

In this week’s program our main theme is the Milky Way.

In recent news it is now estimated that there are 60 billion stars with extra solar planets in our Milky Way, and there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy. In this week’s program we highlight the European Space Agency’s new mission GAIA which is to launch soon atop of a Russian rocket to study the stars of our Milky Way in extra fine detail. 

Please feel free share this video on face book & Twitter, and among yours friends. In our next program we will take a look at the highlights of the August night sky.

Kind regards | Richard Pearson

New Aldi store planned for Mapperley top

alsi 2

alsi 3ALDI, the premium discount food retailer, is preparing proposals for a new neighbourhood food store In Mapperley. The site in Woodborough Road was occupied by Nottingham Autopark until December 2012 when its parent company, the Drive Auto Assist Group, unfortunately went into administration.

ALDI are holding a public exhibition so you can find out more about the proposals. This will be held on: Friday 19 July 2013 Between 3pm and 7pm at Mapperley Community Centre, 589 Woodborough Road, Mapperley, NG3 5GG

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact Aldi's Freephone information line on 0800 298 7040.

The closure of Nottingham AutoPark resulted in the loss of 21 jobs and whilst the site has been in intermittent use since this time, its long-term future remains uncertain.

The introduction of a new ALDI food store in this location would rejuvenate the site whilst also delivering up to 30 new employment opportunities for local people.

ALDI believe there is a real need for a new food store to serve Mapperley in order to improve consumer choice and competition locally.

ALDI's proposal offers a genuine deep discount alternative for food shoppers. A new store on the site at Woodborough Road would be conveniently located and help to reduce travel time for those residents who currently travel to the existing Aldi stores outside the area when wishing to visit a quality discount food retailer.

The store will encourage Mapperley residents to shop locally, with the site benefiting from good pedestrian links with the widen area.

alsi 1Aldi has carefully designed the scheme to provide a modern shopping environment for the community. The proposed Aldi food store will have 1,125m2 of sales floor space, mainly for food goods and a smaller range of non-food products.

The proposed food store will offer a quality design featuring high levels of glazing and rendering to give a crisp, modern look to the building. The building will be single storey in height and the store has been carefully designed to fit comfortably within the site's existing setting.

Vehicular access to the site would be via a new junction on Woodborough Road which would incorporate a pedestrian crossing, set back from the entrance, to ensure safety for those travelling on foot.

The proposed site is conveniently located with good pedestrian links to the surrounding area, including the existing pelican crossing on Woodborough Road, as well as nearby bus stops which are frequently served by local bus services.

About the proposals

A new Aldi food store with a net sales area of 1,125m2 and a gross internal area 0fl518m2

113 car parking spaces, including six disabled and seven parent and child spaces

Free car parking for up to 90 minutes

Upto30full and part time jobs for local people

Access achieved via Woodborough Road

Attractive landscaping incorporated into the scheme to enhance the appearance of the site

A high quality design which offers a contemporary shopping experience.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Robin Hood Chase Plans | Key decision

1197170_3241924cThe Executive Board of Nottingham City Council meets on Tuesday 16th July. It will discuss the subject of the “DISPOSAL AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE ROBIN HOOD CHASE LOCAL CENTRE which is a major decision. Councillors will receive a joint report by councillor Graham Chapman (Deputy Leader/Portfolio Holder for Resources and Neighbourhood Regeneration), and councillor David Liversidge (Portfolio Holder for Commissioning and Voluntary Sector).

The Proposed planning application covers only the bottom half of the Robin Hood Chase, and includes the site of the former Health Centre, and the nearby commercial unit that presently contains the Co-op chemist and grocery store. The plans include a new supermarket, shops and social houses by developer Wilmot Dixon.  The ASRA Housing Group will manage the new homes when completed. The first floor of the new supermarket will be sheltered homes for the elderly.

Providing councillors at this meeting give the go ahead, the planning application is likely to be submitted in August, when public consultations will be held in the St Ann’s area.

Nottingham Council Tax protest



TODAY The Defend Council Tax & Bedroom Tax campaign group held a protest outside the Council House in Nottingham’s Old market Square. Supported by union Unison the campaigners called on Nottingham City Council to suspend the eviction of council tenants who are unable to pay their Bedroom / Council Tax, and to use Council reserve funds to help vulnerable people who are having financial difficulties paying there rents.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Congratulations Andy Murry








Men's Wimbielden champion 2013

Gaia | ‘Star chaser’

Hello and welcome to Astronomy & Space, in our next program our main theme is the Milky Way, and we take a look at the GAIA space observatory which will launch into space soon. This is a European Space Agency mission, which is set to observe & record billions of stars, and discover new asteroids along with comets around our own Solar System.

Download the Mission Fact Sheet here:

English flyer_2013_Page_1

Presented by Richard Pearson

Saturday, 6 July 2013

“Let the Beacon Shine…”

Snapshot 1 (06-07-2013 17-21)


As temperatures soured above 25 centigrade visitors to St Ann’s Projects spent a nice afternoon gardening at their Moffatt Close community garden behind the former Beacon Pub. Locals enjoyed elderflower cordial and elderflower pancakes for refreshments.

The occasion was made even more memorable as Carly Williams & Martin (the main organisers behind St Ann’s Projects), have now met with the new owner of the nearby Beacon Pub and raised the subject of allowing the Beacon to be used as a Community Centre or Community Hub. I am advised that the new owner welcomed the idea so that the atmosphere was quite positive.

Carly Williams & St Ann’s Projects would now like to hear from people about the future community use for the Beacon, and if they are able to offer any assistance in running the new venture.

Please Email Carly Williams at  Or visit there website  they would love to hear from you.