
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Stonebridge Park: Beacon Hill Rise ~ ‘road safety concerns’

Photo 124

Letter to: Jennifer Williams
Senior Officer - Accident Investigation
Development Department
Nottingham City Council


Dear Mrs Williams,

Your Ref ADM0274/Stonebridge-JW/PUBLIC
Reference code: TCM1008

Q: What action do you propose to take to introduce new traffic calming measures along the rest of Beacon Hill Rise Road, to stop ‘cruise’ motorists from regularly racing each other down hill at speeds in access of 60 mph, in order to improve the safety of Stonebridge Park residents & their children during the hours of darkness?

Thank you for sending me a copy of the proposed road traffic calming changes; you ask for our comments and observations.

New traffic calming proposals – Beacon Hill Rise Road

I have placed a copy of your letter & plan on our community website and have spoken to people living on the Stonebridge Park Estate to gage public opinion before writing to you today.

The new proposals are broadly welcomed, and well designed. However, they will only supplement and benefit the home owners of the three new social houses planned by ASRA in Limmen Gardens on the site of the former pedestrian subway, since filled in.

The proposals will do little to improve the safety of Stonebridge Park pedestrians & their children who risk their lives every day trying to cross over this hazardous road during the hours of darkness.

Beacon Hill Rise Road is a main arterial highway leading down hill towards Bath Street/ Sneinton Market, and is frequently used by ‘cruise’ motorists to race each other down hill at speeds in access of 60 mph.

The central refuges on the road today slow these speeding motorists down slightly; however, they are considered a challenge rather than a hindrance. In addition the zebra crossing near the Stonebridge Road, Campbell Street junction has no decent yellow flashing beacons, and is not raised in the form of a speed cushion, so does little to ensure the safety of any local residents or children attempting to use it during the hours of darkness.

Many of the locals I have spoken to are surprised that as a Senior Officer - Accident Investigation, employed by NCC in the Development Department, you have shown little care or consideration for the safety of our Stonebridge Park citizens, by showing no interest in installing new road cushions, improving the zebra crossing to ensure the safety of people using it, or any other traffic calming measures along this hazardous, and in my opinion dangerous road.

I refer to the stretch of Beacon Hill Rise Road between Dennett Close & Stonebridge Road.

On our website we recently reported that “on the evening of Friday 14th September 2012 two cars raced each other at high speed up & down the road at about 10pm.

“Ten minutes later both cars made contact at the zebra crossing at Paxton Gardens, and one vehicle veered out of control colliding with the window at the side of Paul’s grocery shop in Campbell Grove causing structural damage.”

Yours sincerely

Richard Pearson
Website Manager.

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