
Thursday, 15 November 2012

New traffic calming proposals – Beacon Hill Rise Road

plan 1

plan 2

planning letterStonebridge Park residents living in Limmen Gardens, and locals living in Nugent Gardens opposite, have today received new planning proposals to modify the traffic calming measures at the top of Beacon Hill Rise Road near their homes.

The four red squares on the plan are raised ‘speed cushions’ to slow down traffic on this section of road.

Presently during the hours of darkness speeding cars race one another down hill towards Sneinton Market. Recently one of these speeding motorist’s lost control and crashed into the side of the corner shop in Robin Hood Street.

Any comments on these proposals should be returned by Friday 7th December.
Jennifer Williams, Senior Officer Accident Investigation. Traffic Safety, Development Dept.’
Nottingham City Council. Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham. NG2 3NG

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