In St Ann’s, frozen food retailer Heron’s began work this week to transform the former Westminster pub into two new shops. The new stores are expected to open before the Christmas.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Work starts on former Westminster pub
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Keepmoat Homes | Photo update
Here is the latest video update from the Stonebridge Park Estate. The construction team were hard at work today on various activities. On the Phase 1 site workers were busy on the iron lace-work which will form the foundations for the new three story homes facing onto St Matthias Road. Tree surgeons were busy pruning the trees adjacent phase 5/6 all of which have preservation orders on them. On phase 2/3 workers were busy raising the level of the ground facing Rocket Park, while the land has now been marked out showing the location of the new homes yet to be built.
Let the Beacon Shine | The clean up
Out with the old and in with the new. Almost one hundred local folk leant their time, strength and joy to help clean up the old Beacon. THANK YOU! It was heartening to see young and old alike sharing in the task, and to hear so many dreams of what might be.
Some dubious treasures were unearthed, invading trees brought down, a lick of paint here and there: A few more days like this, and an independent community space will appear as if by magic.
We’re grateful to Rob of The Howie Smith Project who has signed the lease on the building. We are working alongside him to make this idea possible. His expertise lies in bringing derelict buildings to life, something he’s been doing for many years. Check out the website and see some super-interesting projects around the city.
Visit our website ‘St Ann’s projects’ for the latest news
By Carly Williams & Martin Summerville
Thursday, 22 August 2013
BBC’s TV poll tax should be consigned to the history books

By Douglas Carswell
Douglas Carswell was first elected to Parliament in 2005 by a slender 920 votes. He was returned as MP for Clacton in 2010 with a 12,000 majority. He is the author of The End of Politics and the Birth of democracy and believes that the internet is making the world a vastly better place.
The Director General of the BBC, (Lord) Tony Hall, earns a reported £450,000 a year; or the equivalent of 3,103 license fees.
National Audit Office figures show that £25 million (172,413 license fees) has been used to pay off senior managers leaving the Beeb over the past three years.
Meanwhile, we now discover that more than one in ten court cases in the country are the result of people being prosecuted for not paying the license fee. Our courts, it seems, have become a tool used by the state-broadcaster to collect revenue. Public broadcasting that prosecutes the public.
“But the BBC fulfils a social role!” a Leftie told me on Twitter. Since when was prosecuting low-income households a useful social role? It is a disgrace.
Imagine, for a moment, the uproar there would be if Sky were to prosecute that many people for non-payment of Sky subscriptions? But then, of course, if folk cannot afford to pay Sky subs, they just don’t pay. No one comes after them in a court.
So why not extend the same principle to the BBC? Make it a subscription service.
Lefties keep on telling us how popular the BBC is. The Corporation's output is, they say, second to none. In which case, the BBC would have no difficulty in persuading us to pay for its services. The BBC should generate revenue by persuading willing customers to pay for its output, just like any other media outlet.
Digital technology gives us almost unlimited choice over what we can watch and listen too. So why do we still fund the BBC using a mid-twentieth century TV poll tax?
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Work begins on the new Heron Food store in St Ann’s
Contractors for Heron Foods secured the site of the former Westminster Pub in St Ann’s Well Road on Monday ready to begin turning the building into two food stores. It is hoped that Heron’s will be open prior to Christmas in St Ann’s.
On the nearby Robin Hood Chase, Project Manager Alan Parker informed me yesterday that consultations on the new development plans will begin in September; dates will be announced soon, he said.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Baby Boom ! | the Uk has seen the largest number of births since mid-1972
Some surprising statistics have been released by the government Office for National Statistics this month.
For 37 of the last 38 months, prices have risen faster than wages. The Labour Party said today “David Cameron is now the worst Prime Minister on record for living standards.”
The absolute increase in population of the UK was greater than that of any other European Union member state
The mid-2012 population of the UK ranks third, behind Germany and France when compared to other member states of the European Union.
The Population Estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, Mid-2011 and Mid-2012 have just been released.
The population of the UK was estimated to be 63.7 million in mid-2012, up from the estimated 63.3 million in mid-2011. This represents a growth of 419,900 (0.7%) in the year to 30 June 2012.
The estimated populations of the four constituent countries of the UK in mid-2012 are 53.5 million people in England, 5.3 million in Scotland, 3.1 million in Wales and 1.8 million in Northern Ireland.
In the UK there were 813,200 births and 558,800 deaths occurring in the year to 30 June 2012. This is the largest number of births seen since the year to mid-1972.
The population of the UK aged 65 and over was 10.8 million (17% of the UK population) in mid-2012.
The estimated flow of international migrants to the UK in the year to 30 June 2012 was 517,800 and estimated outflow for the same period was 352,100. This means that UK net migration was 165,600 in the year to mid-2012.
The population increase of the UK in the year to 30 June 2012 was caused by there being 254,400 more births than deaths (61% of the increase) and 165,600 more international migrants arriving than emigrants leaving (39% of the increase).
The mid-2012 population of the UK ranks third, behind Germany and France when compared to other member states of the European Union.
The absolute increase in population of the UK was greater than that of any other European Union member state during the 12 months to 30 June 2012.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Official Opening of Forest Recreation Ground
A Community Fun Day is to mark the completion of the Lottery funded Forest Recreation Ground heritage restoration project
The event taking place on Saturday 31 August will mark the completion of the £5.2m project that has restored the park to its former glory - including the restoration of the Lodge, pavilion and historic entrances and refurbishment of the central promenade, sports pitches and planting areas.
There will be a celebration reception (invitation only), hosted by the Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire, Sir John Peace and the Lord Major of Nottingham, Councillor Merlita Bryan, from 11.00am - 12 noon. This will be followed at 12.30pm by the official ribbon cutting ceremony and a big community fun day on the Forest which will run until 4.00pm.
The aim of the reception is to thank everyone involved in supporting, developing and delivering the capital renovations to the site. The fun day will provide the perfect opportunity to attract people from all over the City to enjoy the restored park.
Nottingham City Council, the Partnership Council, Castle Cavendish Foundation and Friends of the Forest, worked together to successfully secure funding worth £5.2 million to restore the site to its former glory.
The £5.2 funding is made up of:
- £3.2 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund
- £2 million from Nottingham City Council, Castle Cavendish Foundation and local development contributions.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Gary Numan | Splinter UK Tour, November 2013
Splinter UK Tour, November 2013
7th – Bristol 02 Academy | 8th - Ireland Dublin Button Factory | 11th - Sheffield 02 Academy | 12th - Newcastle 02 Academy | 13th - Glasgow 02 ABC | 14th - Manchester Academy | 15th - Oxford 02 Academy | 16th - London Roundhouse | 18th - Brighton The Dome | 19th - Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall
Keepmoat Homes | Photo update
This is the latest photo update for week beginning 19 August. All of the construction sites are now fenced and secure except phase four. Phase 4 is situated on land at the top of Wray Close, which has now became a play area for school children climbing onto the large mounds of earth.
Work has begun clearing phase 8 in Jersey Gardens along the top row adjacent St Matthias Road. On phase one, near the former Lord Alcester pub, work is continuing to configure the ground to the correct levels ready for the foundations to be put in place, while clearance work is continuing on Phases 5 & 6. No work has been carried out on Phases 2, 3 & 4 this week; the most prominent of these sites being in Flewitt Gardens at the side of Rocket Park.
The Beacon is shining again
On Saturday a team of local volunteers arrived early at the former Beacon Public house in Beacon Hill Rise Road, St Ann’s, to bring the building back into use for the local community.
St Ann’s Projects led by Carly Williams & Martin Summerville have spent the last 18 months planting and cleaning up the nearby Moffatt Close community garden, and have now been given access to the Beacon pub to turn it into a new community hub.
The Beacon has been closed for the last decade.
The volunteers cut down overgrown weeds and vegetation, cut the grass, and started the task of painting the outside of the former pub; slowly but surely the Beacon is beginning to shine once again.
2013 St Ann’s Holding Hands ‘Unity’ event criticised
By Richard Pearson, St Ann’s |
Read Steve Green's letter here
“A former Chief Constable, Steve Green, said that when he was appointed, St Ann’s was a haven for drugs & crack cocaine, and the first shooting occurred in 2000. Killings followed. Mr Green said things would get worse before getting better. Now things have got better with crime down 27%, the organisers behind this year’s Holding Hands gala have shown a film which opens old wounds, and which youngers will seek to copy drugs supplying and gang culture, which is unacceptable.
“Also, to allow Kevin Redmond to walk round at the event pointing the finger at everyone with a camera, and calling them perverts etc. was bad behaviour; which has lead to lots of local people being offended.”
Renewal Trust statement 13/8/12 |
“Thanks to the amazing work of Rob Bird, a dedicated and committed volunteer, this year’s Holding Hands was a great success.
“The showing of The Chase film proved extremely popular and engaging, helping to highlight issues affecting the area. This film shows off some amazing talent within Nottingham and has a great potential. We wish it the best in its future distribution.
“This years event was special in that Richard Hawthorne after 10 years of commitment and dedication to Holding Hands will be stepping down as ‘Chairperson’ to spend more time with his commitment to Initiatives of Change and Hope in the Cities. You may or may not be aware that for the past 10 years the Renewal Trust have supported HH under its umbrella and after the success of this years event; mainly due to the dedication of Volunteer coordinator Rob Bird from STANNRA TRA the group are now looking into becoming a constituted group.
“The food bank raised £200 on the raffle and has now purchased a freezer – which means they will now be able to provide a wider range of food to their clients.
“We are really proud of this year’s event and hope everyone who attended had a fantastic time!”
By Robert Batey, Fojambe Terrace, St Ann’s |
“In my opinion criticism of the organisers behind this year’s Holding Hands around St Ann’s event is justified, and should be aired.
The event which began in 1993, is meant to show & promote ‘unity in the community,’ and heal old wounds. However, this year the organisers appear to have done the opposite. They knowingly allowed offensive language to be used by an individual to describe everyone who attended this year’s event with cameras and iPhones who took photo’s, including myself. So far no apology has been given to me or any other tenants & residents whose personal integrity has been attacked by them.
Also, organisers did show the sometimes violent film called The Chase at the event, which depicts, drug abuse, drug dealing, gangs, which is based on true events from St Ann’s past. I think this was divisive, and has opened old wounds from the areas past, which has tarnished the image of St Ann’s further. Yong adults of 12 years old and up will see this film and think its cool to copy what’s on screen, the drug dealing, gangs and violence. Copycat behaviour. This was a backward step in my opinion.”
Turkish Baths vanish from the skyline
The demolition of the Turkish Baths at the side of the Victoria leisure Centre, Sneinton, is continuing a pace.
The building now being raised to the ground was once the Victoria Wash House, which during the 1960s housed baths that local people used to have a wash/spruce up.
It was also one of the first laundrettes in Nottingham.
Six of these photographs were taken by Robert Batey & the remainder by Richard Pearson.
Friday, 16 August 2013
St Ann’s Shooting incident – Woodborough Road
Updated Two more men have been arrested in connection with a shooting in Nottingham.
A 23-year-old man was seriously injured with shotgun pellets in Peas Hill Road in St Ann's on 6 August. He was treated at Queen's Medical Centre and has since been discharged.
Two men, aged 23 and 28, were arrested earlier and remain in custody for questioning.
A third man, aged 23, was arrested last week and has been bailed.
Police continue to carry out high-visibility patrols in the area to provide reassurance to residents.
The incident happened in Peashill Road, St Ann's just before 10pm last night.
Police cordoned off Alfred Street North, off Woodborough Road, and Asiana Hypermarket, in Woodborough Road.
A white van the injured man is thought to have been travelling in is being forensically examined.
Pilates teacher Fiona Burnham, who lives in nearby Hibiscus Court, said: "We have never had anything like this before and this seemed like something really serious.
"The police haven't told us anything yet. They have cordoned off the car park so I can't get my car out.
"I didn't know anything had happened until I went out to water my flowers this morning."
Local businesses have been temporarily closed while the police investigate the incident.
Store manager Ketan Ahir from Asiana Hypermarket, Woodborough Road, Nottingham, said: “I have not seen anything like this before.
“I hope we are not closed all day.
“it must be something serious for the whole area to be closed off.”
Anyone with information should call Nott's Police on 101 or Crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Ed Miliband is now less popular than Gordon Brown!
The monthly Ipsos-MORI poll for the Evening Standard is out today.
They repeated their semi regular question comparing whether people like the parties and their leaders, asking whether people like each party and its leader, the party but not the leader, the leader but not the party, or neither. 63% of people now say they don’t like Ed Miliband, up from 56% in Oct 2012 and 51% in Jan 2011. 30% say they like Miliband, a net score of minus 33. In comparison Gordon Brown’s worst score was minus 36 in July 2008. On the party he leads 49% of people say they like Labour, and 43% say they dislike Labour giving them a net score of plus 6 and meaning they are still the party that people have the most positive opinion of.
Looking at the same questions for David Cameron, 43% of people like him, 52% dislike him (a net score of minus 9, slightly better than last year but less positive than when he was in opposition). For the Conservative party 39% have a positive view, 57% a negative view (a net score of minus 18). The pattern we’ve seen before continues – David Cameron is still more likeable than his party (-9 compared to minus 18), while Ed Miliband trails behind his party (minus 33 compared to plus 6). Neither prevents Labour having a lead in voting intention.
For the first time the like him/like his party question included Nigel Farage and UKIP. Farage was liked by 27%, disliked by 50% (a net rating of minus 23); UKIP were liked by 25%, disliked by 52% (a net rating of minus 27, so Farage slightly more popular than his party).
Wollaton Park Super-hero picnic
Wollaton Park attracted over 3,000 visitors of all ages on Wednesday for a Super-hero picnic. Lots of entertainment for the youngsters, while there was free admission to Wollerton hall itself.
In bright sunshine it proved to be a grand day out.
Some even ventured along to the lake to feed the ducks, swans and cygnets.
Here is a small selection of photographs taken during the afternoon.
St Mary’s church | Clifton Village
Welcome to St Mary's Church | Open to visitors every Wednesday afternoon
The first evidence of a church at Clifton is in the 1086 Doomsday Book where priest and church are mentioned. The early building may have been of stone or wood and would most probably have been a simple rectangle with the east end divided off to form a square chancel, with probably a central tower and certainly a nave. None of this early building remains visible although the existing church may cover its foundations. The age of the present church dates from 1175-1200 with the Chancel being enlarged in 1500.
At the back of the Nave is the Marcussan organ built in Denmark. This organ is supposed to be one of the best organs to play in England. This is partly due to the excellent acoustics of the church and Mr David Jones who was an acoustic specialist at Nottingham" University who designed the roof.
North Transept
This contains the main memorials to the Clifton's of Clifton. All the memorials are carved in alabaster which is a soft, marble-like, semi-transparent stone which was quarried locally.
Tombs made from Nottinghamshire alabaster can be found in Italy and Spain.
Alabaster is known to us as Gypsum and can be seen in strata along the Grove. One of the niches on the East wall contains a heart shaped leaden casket containing a heart, this is known locally as the Crusaders Heart, although it does not in fact date from the time of the Crusades. It was believed that when a man was killed in the Holy Land his heart was brought home in a casket to be buried in his own home village.
South Transept
This contains the memorial slab to Joseph known as the Indian Prince, date 1684, who was a servant to the Clifton's and had become a Christian 10 years before his death. That he was valued by the Clifton family is evident by his burial inside the Church. At over 6ft tall you can see the mark cut into the stonework of the porch with the letters I.P. beside it, at a time when most men were not much above 5'3" of 5'4".
Tower Sanctuary
Ceiling designed by Ronald Sims to depict the Crown of Thorns. The door in the Sanctuary leads to the Belfry which contains eight bells.
The Altar is of blue Hornton limestone and is made from stonework recovered from the altar of the monastery at Kelham, nr. Newark. The Altar frontal was restored by members of the Derby Cathedral Embroiders' Guild.
After Henry VI11 broke with the Catholic church he ordered that all stone altars should be destroyed and replaced with a simple wooden table covered with a fan-linen cloth. One reason for this was that stone altars were symbolic of sacrifice rather than a meal. The good people of Clifton did not break up their stone altar however, but rather buried it under the place where the wooden table stood. It stayed there, forgotten and undiscovered for many years until its rediscovery during the last restoration. It can now be seen under the present altar.
The floor has Victorian tiles which show the Passion of Christ (the Crown of Thorns, the nails etc.) and the symbols of Mary, the fleur de lys and the rose. The floor shown on the right is in the South Transept.
Looking up - and behind is the Coat of Arms of Christ showing the five wounds that Jesus received on the Cross.
We hope that you have enjoyed looking around this beautiful church, or simply sitting and taking in the peace of your surroundings.
For nearly 1000 years People have gathered in this building to worship and to pray, Weddings, Baptisms and funerals have and are still being celebrated here. A prayer leaflet is available for you to use if you would like. If you would like to speak to a member of the clergy. We pride ourselves on being a caring church, supporting each other. In addition to our regular Sunday Services, we hold a Music Festival
over 3 nights in early July which covers everything from Jazz to classical, groups to large choirs! other concerts are also held during please contact one of them on the numbers below.good times and also at sad times.
the year.
Clergy | Revd. Canon Sarah Clark; Revd. Anne Noble PARISH OF CLIFTON
St Mary's Church, Clifton Village, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 8NH
Images © Richard Pearson
Petition | Calling on the government to review British policy for Afghan interpreters.
With 78,673 supporters | 71,327 signatures NEEDED
I served in Afghanistan in 2008-2009 and then again in 2010. They were tough days in Afghanistan for all that were there. We relied on the help of local Afghan interpreters who were with us on every patrol and became an integral part of our platoon.
The interpreters took great risks to help us, putting not only their lives but the lives of their families in danger of Taliban reprisals. Now the UK Government has turned its back on the interpreters. It is refusing to give support or resettlement to interpreters who completed their duties between 2006 and 2011.
My great-grandfather Winston Churchill, who spent a large part of his career in the army, would have been shocked by the way our government is treating men who risked their lives to help British forces. By denying our interpreters entry into the UK the government is condemning them to persecution and almost certain death at the hands of the Taliban.
That's why I've started a petition on calling on Foreign Secretary William Hague to review the British policy for Afghan interpreters. click here to add your name.
The interpreter I remember most was Barri. For all sense and purposes he was one of the lads. When we left Afghanistan Barri's father and brother were killed by the Taliban but the UK government didn't help him. His mother and sister died whilst trying to get to western Europe when their boat sank in Mediterranean. For two years Barri and his last remaining brother have been held in a detention centre until they were eventually granted asylum in Germany. Other interpreters are not even as lucky. They have been forced into hiding in Afghanistan or are locked in foreign detention centres, their lives in limbo.
There are certain codes we uphold in the military. Two of those are: "loyalty & honour." So I am appealing to Rt Hon William Hague and Rt Hon David Cameron -- do the honourable thing and remain loyal to those who stood shoulder to shoulder with British Forces.
It is morally reprehensible to force these men to stay in a country that we are counting down the days to finally leaving. By leaving them in Afghanistan the only thing they can look forward to is a life of looking over their shoulders.
Huge public pressure convinced the Government to offer resettlement or support to some Afghan interpreters. We need the same pressure to extend the policy and make sure no interpreter is forgotten.
Please sign my petition and make sure all Afghan interpreters get the support they need.
Thank you,
Alexander Perkins
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Update – New St Ann’s ASDA supermarket
City Council Leader Jon Collins confirmed this evening that ASDA are on the point of signing a new contract with the Co-op for the land on which they intend to build its new petrol station and car park in Carlton Road. He said everything looks good for a planning application to be submitted in early autumn.
Sneinton Market 17th August
On Saturday the Sneinton Market Repair Café is back. Don’t chuck it – fix it! It’s free and run by volunteers – the Nottingham Fixers, partnered with Nottingham Hack space, the Skills Exchange Time bank and Co-oproduct.
The return of the Rummage Lounge.
It’s the urban car-boot-sale on a smaller scale. Find a carry-on cabin luggage-sized bag. Fill it with possessions you would like to sell and wheel it down to Sneinton Market every 3rd Saturday of the month. Sell what you can, keep what you earn. Come and have a rummage –Books-DVDs-Trinkets-Cables-Mobile Tech (oh, and a clothes stall too!) Learn more at
Are you a local food producer? Perhaps you are just starting out? Then join in the next Nott's Nosh Local Food Market on Saturday 24th August 9-2pm. The stalls list is growing daily so it should be good!
………and……. August 31st is the 5th week in the month. Opportunities for new types of stall, themes and activities – let us know what you’re thinking…….
By Sneinton Community Traders
Football clubs funding success
Great news - St Ann's & Sneinton Football Club, plus Karimia Football Club in Nottingham have both been awarded £5,000 from @FootballFoundtn
By Chris Leslie MP (Nottingham East)
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Renewal Trust News update
An exhibition of photographs by David Severn at Backlit, Alfred House, Alfred Street, Nottingham NG3 1JG. The exhibition will be running from Saturday 17th August until Saturday 24th August.
Nott Ballet was designed and run by The Renewal Trust in partnership with Birmingham Royal Ballet and Dance4. In May, 60 young people from St Ann's and Sneinton undertook a week of intensive dance workshops with a final performance at Nottingham Arts Theatre.
This is a photographic documentation of their journey.
We are also putting on a special Launch event 4 – 6 pm on Saturday 17th August - Places are free but limited so please book your place here
BY George Maier (Renewal Trust)
More people buy there council homes as House Prices continue to rise
New figures suggest there has been an accelerated take-up of the government's Help to Buy Scheme.
The rate of house price inflation in the UK is continuing to rise, according to official statistics.
Prices in the year to June rose by 3.1%, said the Office for National Statistics (ONS), up from 2.9% in May.
A separate industry survey suggests that home buyer activity is increasing fastest in parts of the UK where prices have been the most depressed.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics) says prices are rising at their fastest since November 2006.
The largest rise in activity came in the West Midlands and the North East.
Every region saw prices rise, Rics said, although London and the areas around it continued to see the biggest price increases.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Keepmoat Homes | photo update
This is the latest update of the current works in progress in the Jersey and Flewitt Gardens area of the Stonebridge Park Estate. It also includes images of Jersey Gardens taken ten years ago showing what the area use to look like.
Nottingham City Council | Draft Statements of Accounts 2012/13
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Let the Beacon Shine
By Peter Blackburn
A COMMUNITY has been handed the keys to a derelict pub to give it a new lease of life.
Carly Williams and Martin Sommerville – who help to run the St Ann's Community Garden – have been given the former Beacon pub, in Bluebell Hill Road, St Ann's, for a minimum of nine months to use in the community's interest.
What would you do with the site? E-mail
Thinking big: Richard Pearson, left, Carly Williams and Martin Sommerville outside the former pub.
BBC News Website | Beacon Pub to become community centre
The pub, which has been closed for around ten years, is owned by a private individual, but now people are being asked for suggestions about what to do with the site.
An event to kick-start the regeneration of the derelict building is to take place on Saturday, August 17, from 11am to 5pm.
Mr Sommerville is one of the people leading the project and also helps with a variety of local community groups.
He said: "For years we've been walking past the derelict pub – it's not been a pub for around 10 years and it's gradually falling to rack and ruin.
"We've dreamed of what it could be if it was given a chance.
"We thought it could be a gallery or a skate park or anything. A lot of these things could happen.
"The call is going out to local people to see what they want to do with the place."
He added: "It's possibly earmarked for development afterwards but it could be left as a community space – and we need to see whether we can make it work and whether people want to use it.
"It's much better than being used for drugs or whatever else. We see old buildings everywhere – they are littering the city."
The takeover of the building could be just the start of something bigger.
Mr Sommerville added: "The plan is to become something like a social enterprise or a charitable organisation.
"We would be able to rent the space and receive grants but we want it to be a self-sustaining project.
"We want people to get involved – the more ideas, the better and there's a lot of work to be done."
Firstly, the group needs volunteers to help clear years of rubbish and growth from the site.
Richard Pearson, who lives in Belle View Court, said: "I think it's really excellent news for St Ann's.
"We're crying out for community facilities for all age groups and that area has been lacking for a long time.
"It's going to be a brilliant thing. I'll try to get involved."
Bill Dobson, who lives in nearby Kelverdon Gardens, said: "It's a very good idea – why let a building go to waste?
"It's been a closed down pub for too long and it just attracts crime.
"It's a good thing – I'm all for it. It's somewhere for people to go. It could have a lot of uses – it's a great idea."
Friday, 9 August 2013
Nottingham Magistrate Court protest
Campaigners from the Defend Council Tax Benefits group were outside court in canal Street on Thursday as the first cases in Nottingham for the none payment of Council Tax were being heard before Nottingham Magistrates.
Top left: protester Ross Longhurst, who told magistrates in court that he refused to pay the increased Council Tax.
Images © Robert Batey
Stabbing in Paxton Gardens, St Ann’s
At around 3:45pm on Monday 6th August there was a serious stabbing incident in Paxton Gardens on the Stonebridge Park Estate, St Ann’s. The crime scene shown in the above images was cordoned off for five hours as the Police made door to door enquiries in the area.
TWO teenagers have been arrested after a 24-year-old man was stabbed in the leg.
The 17-year-old and 18-year-old males have been quizzed by police and now been bailed.
Today splats of blood can still be seen along the footpath top-right & bottom left.
Police made two arrests from a house in Paxton Gardens shortly after arriving at the scene. Local residents have spoken of a lot of antisocial behaviour being associated with the address which has continually been reported to Nottingham City Homes Patch Manager Jo Bailey.
This is the second stabbing incident to occur in Paxton Gardens in the last 18 months. On 17th January 2012 a teenager was found stabbed in the leg on the footpath close to the now closed pedestrian subway at the side of Beacon Hill Rise Road. Here is the Report from Caroline Lowbridge | St Ann's stabbing victim, 16, heard mumbling before collapse
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Missing Person
Have you seen Brian Spencer?
The 31-year-old was last seen at his home in London Road, Nottingham, in the early hours of Sunday (4 August 2013).
Brian is white, of slim build and around 5ft 6ins tall. He has short dark hair and discoloured front teeth.
He is believed to be travelling on foot and may still be in the Nottingham city area.
If you have seen Brian, or know of his whereabouts, please contact Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or call Crime stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
By Liz Webster (Nottinghamshire Police)
Defend Council Tax group --- here to help
The Defend Council Tax Benefits Campaign group is actively supporting Nottingham people affected by the hike in Council tax, and the hated Bedroom tax
Contact us on
Tel 0752 156 9622
By Robert Batey.
St Ann’s Projects – Moffatt Close Aug 3rd
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
What’s on at Sneinton Market
The Crafty Cats are with us again this week, with fifteen stalls of arts and crafts - a kaleidoscope of regulars, new crafters, handmade gifts, toiletries and vintage items to take us through the holiday season. Over the last few months, it’s been fun to watch how the products evolve and change with their creators, so we’re looking forward to ‘Raspberry Finch’! The new website and blog can be seen at There is still one stall available for Saturday; email Stacey at for details.
Beccy’s Global Kitchen will be there this week with veggie and vegan delights, plus Penny Avon and our regular stallholders. Charlie’s Jackets will be back with a selection of breakfasts, burgers and beverages.’
The Fruit and Veg stall will of course be there; apologies to anyone who missed them on Monday – rain stopped play as it was teeming down by the bucket load in the early hours. Greg is looking for people to come and do fixings on the 17th – if you are handy and don’t like to see stuff chucked out get in touch. Nottingham Fixers are on Facebook.
Don't forget, on the 17th Nottingham Fixers, and the return of the Rummage Lounge! Lots of ideas and stuff to sort through.
If you would like to promote your community activity on the market, or for more information, call us on 07793389323
Marketing Team
Keepmoat Homes | Photo update
Stonebridge Park Estate, St Ann's, Nottingham. In this update we begin in Limmen Gardens, view Rocket Park, then Phase 2 of the Keepmoat Homes construction scheme. Then on into Jersey Gardens, and Phase 1. The area around the site compound is in the last scene.
Acknowledgements: Peter Shambrook (Area Development Manager); Ian McMulkin (Site Manager). The project Architect is Zahid Khan (BM3 Architecture, Birmingham).