
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

£400,000 improvements for Walter Halls school

Outside of schoolThe City Council agreed yesterday to allocate £2.3m new funding to carry out improvements in school buildings. The works range from small improvements, such as boiler replacements, to comprehensive refurbishments, such as the £400k improvement works to the Year 5/6 block in Walter Halls Primary School.

The funding, which was higher than anticipated, has been given by central Government to the City Council. The Council then consulted school condition surveys, local asset management plans and expert specialist contractors before agreeing the allocation of funds yesterday. The highest priority was given to works relating to Health and Safety requirements, with funding allocated to other schools based on the level of risk to the school of inclement weather.

Councillor Mellen said: "We are delighted to be able to announce our programme of works to improve school buildings across the city. The bigger than expected investment in school buildings supports the Council's strategy to ensure that every child and young person has access to the very best facilities, so that they can get the most out of their school life and have the best possible chance to reach their full potential.

"This programme runs alongside our primary school expansion programme, which is transforming spaces in many primary schools in the city."

Pete Strauss, Head Teacher of Walter Halls Primary School, said: "This is wonderful news for Walter Halls School. We have been concerned about the condition of our Year 5 and Year 6 classrooms for a long time, and it's great to know that the local authority has found the money to fund these improvements.

"Our children deserve the very best education. That means not just making sure they are taught an exciting and relevant curriculum by brilliant teachers, but also making sure that they are taught in suitable classrooms that are in a good condition and provide a pleasant environment for learning. This funding will deliver that for us and we are very grateful."

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