
Monday, 7 January 2013

ASRA apply £300 stealth tax on ‘child safety’

123The first phase of the Stonebridge Park Regeneration Scheme is close to completion, and Nottingham City Homes (NCH) have done a fine job letting the new rental properties to new tenants.  These homes are being managed on behalf of Landlord ASRA.

Following a reorganisation the developer Leicester Housing Association became ASRA in 2012.

None of the newly built houses on Stonebridge Park have front gates fitted, while most the properties are now occupied by families with young children.

Some of these families have now requested front gates be fitted to their properties to provide a safe space for their young children, only for landlord ASRA to refuse! They have all been told that they will have to pay for the gates themselves at a cost of £300 per property – a Stealth TAX on ‘child safety’!

ASRA say that it does not matter if their home is home-owner occupied, or rented from Nottingham City Homes; everyone is being asked to pay.

Naturally young families who have just moved onto the Stonebridge Park Estate, feel that this is a serious safety issue, because they don’t want their young children to stray onto the main Road.

WATES Living Space are presently finishing external works on 61 properties adjacent some of the newly built houses, all of which are getting front gates fitted FREE of charge as standard. These Include properties occupied by tenants of Nottingham City Homes.

It seems strange that NCH tenants who have just moved into their newly built houses on Stonebridge Park are being billed £300 for new front gates to be fitted, while NCH tenants living in the original houses opposite are getting their front gates FREE of charge!

As a result, young families who have just moved on to the Stonebridge Park Estate, feel they are not being treated fairly by Nottingham City Homes .

Clearly we need to attract new young families to live here on the Stonebridge Park Estate in the future, and obviously the safety of their children needs to be catered for & be made a priority. It therefore seems improper that ASRA are now applying a £300 stealth Tax on ‘child safety,’ when every newly built home should have been fitted with front gates as standard practise.


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