
Thursday, 21 July 2011

Video: Latest Update 21 July

Rocket Park looks really nice now that the landscaping is in place. The footpaths are now being surfaced and the banks have been rounded and smoothed ready for new grass to be laid. The Long Hedge Site looks nice too with its two rows of houses with completed exteriors. Of course there is still work to be done here. Nearby on Magson close there is a great deal of activity with workers putting the foundations in place for the new St Matthias apartments, this area of the Regeneration Scheme is a hive of activity at the moment. The timber roof has now been put onto the large block of houses on the Eastham Close site, and the roofs are also being put on the row of houses along the Dennet Close_bottom row site. This video is a compilation of photographs taken around the Stonebridge park Estate on 21 July, with a suitable musical complement!

Don’t forget, the next Public Meeting of Stonebridge Park Tenants & Residents Association is on 3rd August at 7pm, which is being held at Stonebridge City Farm. SPTRA may be contacted by E-mail at:

Stonebridge park Regeneration Scheme

1 comment:

  1. I saw a similar article on one more weblog, appears a hot topic right now
